Don’t just look at the goal, look for the reason

2 min readMay 18, 2021
Photo by Tolga Ulkan on Unsplash

While having a goal is a good thing most of the times it can also be problematic if it locks you in. If you’ve a specific goal most of the people try to reach it as fast as possible but forget to look left and right while they try to reach it. As a result they might let experiences / happenings pass which can be beneficial for reaching your goal later. For example, if say my goal is to write a book, of course i can start to write it out of the cold. But maybe at the end i come to the conclusion that it isn’t what i hoped for because didn’t had the experience to write it. So maybe it would’ve been beneficial to write short stories first to have little successes first while also gain experience in writing. To come back to the title, even if i say my goal is to write a book the reason for it could be that i’m looking for a way to express myself or maybe i have to deal with stuff from my past which i want to get over with. If you know the reasons for your goal all of a sudden more ways will open up in front of you.

Photo by Frank Eiffert on Unsplash

Same goes for meditation, to understand your inner motivation to try meditation in the first place. Maybe often you work longer than you expect on stuff and have not as much time for yourself as you want and therefore feel stressed. The obvious goal for you would be to be less stressed. But maybe if you look deeper you find out that you get easily distracted while working and that the reason for your stress is a lack of focus. In this case it would be beneficial to also practice meditation to become more focused and less distracted which will lead to less stress in the end. Regardless which way you choose, always be open minded and aware that your way could change and even if it seems that the way is longer, it might be more sustainable as taking the shortest way.

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