Embrace the silence

3 min readMay 18, 2021
Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash

Your mind is in constant flow. The wonders of modern age like mobile phones, social networks, content platforms and the persistent connectivity in general is something our brain isn’t made for. From evolutionary point of view humans are made to manage around 5 close relationships and recognise up to 100 other persons. Additionally we used to stand up when the sun came out and go to bed if it wens dark. Today we care about what 100s maybe 1000s or more people think about our social media profile. We are constantly connected to the majority of our phonebook contacts via messenger, depending on the region you live that is an average number between 75 and 150 people. Also, since the invention of clocks our day is scheduled by numbers instead of natural day and night cycle, if i want i can stay up the whole night without getting bored, thanks to entertainment.

Photo by Ravi Sharma on Unsplash

This permanent noise clearly isn’t for everyone, some might be more resistant to it than others but in the end everyone has a point where it starts to get unhealthy. We are at a point where even successful middle class people start to boost their performance with substances to keep pace. At the same time the number of people with psychologic problems grows in almost every industrial country around the world.

Photo by Boba Jovanovic on Unsplash

Therefore it’s a wise step in the right direction to ask yourself if you need all this noise around you or if you can shut some of it off. Besides the obvious choice we all have to just ignore some of the sources of noise you can also start to meditate to have time in your day to free your mind from all the unnecessary distractions. A really challenging practice you could try is to lay flat and force yourself to not move a single muscle below your face. That means not moving any part of your body, no fingers, no toes and so on … if you need to scratch yourself, it’s not allowed. As i first tried it i failed after around 5 minutes because of the constant urge to do something. If you keep practicing it you’ll find out that it gets much easier for you shut off unwanted distractions and that can also transition into your daily life. At the end you learn to ignore things which aren’t important. Depending on your discipline this could shut off noise from outside as well as your inner noise, give it a try.

If you’re interested in having a deeper experience in meditation let us know by signing up for our upcoming product at https://white-wall.me 🧘

